What Hours Should I Be Ready For Forex Trading

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Forex Currency Trading
What is the Forex market: The foreign exchange market is a global financial market that operates 24 hours a day. Timing is very important in currency trading. For this purpose it is imperative to note the amount of market activity around the clock in order to maximize the number of trading opportunities and profits during the trader’s market hours. Instead of trading randomly throughout the day, you should focus on trading in those particular hours when i.e., when the activity and the volume of transactions is the highest.

Since the Forex market is a 24 hour market operating round the clock 7 days a week, at any particular time somebody, somewhere in the world is buying and selling currencies. When one market in one part of the world closes, another market in another part opens. The business hours will automatically overlap as the exchange continues when day becomes night and night becomes day.

The best time to trade forex currencies depends upon many factors which include

1. Your system, and which time frame it works in.
2. Your preference for amount of time taken to trade,
3. The time zone you live in and if you are awake during the times the currency market is active.
Other Important factors to keep in mind
Forex Trading starts in New Zealand at Sunday 5pm EST, and then follows the order of passing through Australia, Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and America all through out the day and all through out the week until Friday 4pm EST when finally the American market closes.

The US & UK markets hold the major share of Forex trading. They account for more than 50% of all the forex market transactions.

The major Forex markets are in London, New York and Tokyo.

Almost 66% of trading activity in New York occurs in the morning hours when the European markets are open.

Forex Trading activity is at its peak when the major markets overlap.
