Three Column WordPress Theme

Download three column wordpress themes and use them. They are best for professional blogging. Three column wordpress themes gives you ample space to do whatever you want. More sidebars gives you the scope to add more navigation links or ads into them. And this thing is very user friendly. If you are planning to start a commercial blog, then go for three column wordpress templates. They would help you in managing and presenting your contents.

Moon Theme

Moon 1.0 – Not all themes have to be light colors to be pleasing so long as they are well organized. This is an excellent black theme, variable width and widget-ready.

Fresh Apple Theme

Fresh Apple – It’s based around a green apple, how can it not be soothing to the eye? Variable width and widget ready.

Pink Web 2.0 - Theme

Pink Web 2.0 – Versatile theme with numerous uses, widget ready and fixed width.


TyreMonkey – A nice red and black themed three column design. Fixed width.

Zen - Very Stylish

Zen – Very stylish,
easy to read, fixed width, widget ready.

Dark Planet Theme

Dark Planet Theme

Beauty In Nature -Theme
Beauty In Nature Theme