Blogger Adsense Arrangement


ProSense Image
Ads minded blogger theme is the mostly used, superb blogspot theme. Highly coded and ease to use. This theme has been designed to grab more adsense clicks as well as affiliate scores. The neat look of this template appeals.
Blogger Image

Optimized Image

Show Ads Between Posts

Highly professional look. Lets discuss few of it’s features:
Three column template
Pre coded excellent ad positions
Three 125*125 buttons in sidebar
Feedburner rss and subscribe via email sidebar module integrated
Includes “add to favorites” Technorati link
Built-in live traffic feed widget from FEEDJIT
Built-in MyBlogLog and BlogCatalog recent reader widgets
Blogspot Scribe Theme + AdSense

Blogger Setting


Dynamic tabs easily created by editing the link list widget
Search box without the need for a “go” button
Recent posts and comments widgets
Nicely designed individual blog post comments section
Properly setup Blogger layout editor
