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You need to check your WordPress blog statistics regularly. There are several wordpress plugins available today to give the detailed statistics data. You need those site statistics to know, which will help you to manage your blog in a better manner. You will come to know about the stuffs people like most on your site and the posts they least like. In this way you can serve them the demanded posts, which will affect your blog in a positive manner. Here I am posting 25 wordpress plugins to track your site statistics.


Good stats package for security as it tracks your logins, deleted users, last passwords, invalid user names and more. Good way to keep an eye on what’s happening in a multi-user blog.

WordPress Plugin

Tracks page loads, search terms used on incoming links, shows top performing posts, lists related posts at the bottom of each entry and more.

Statics WordPress

WordPress allows you to attach downloads to posts, but gives you no way to count the downloads. This plugin will let you know in your admin panel.

Plugin Optimization

Monitors your feeds and tells you which readers are being used, the links the readers click on, and which stories they are reading.


Monitors the social sites Digg, Netscape, Reddit, Newsvine, Fark, Slashdot, Del.icio.us, and StumbleUpon, when someone comes from one of those, it begins keeping records and displays the data to you in a bar graph.


Sometimes you need to know the number of words in your post for blogging challenges, setting goals for yourself and more; this plugin will do it for you.

Available Plugin Tracks Of WordPress

Tracks all of the standard stats you’ve come to expect from a stats package, but in a very compressed database for less load on your server.
