Gamezine Wordpress Theme
Download new wordpress themes here. Developers release new wordpress themes everyday. But there is no such place where we can see all those themes. But let me take this step, each day I will release wordpress themes. So, you all can compare those themes and choose the best one for you. In this post, I am posting few wordpress themes. have a look on those beautiful themes.
Classic Theme
using the theme the classic.
Authentic Boredom

Authentic Boredom – a web home of Cameron Moll, a great new media designer, inspired this theme.
Back to the formal side of the description this theme is centered on page. The sidebar is on left on all views. There is a certain header image, and light gray background.
Corporate Play

Corporate Play
This theme is centered on page, has the sidebar on right on all views, and green and orange background. Why ‘corporate play’?
Fightening The Darkness

Fighting the Darkness
Extremely dark background and light writing area gave a name to this theme. We all fight the darkness in some way: destroying departmental mood that kills personality, bringing true values to life, trying to be supportive to our family and friends. This theme suite those who writes about their controversial live experience no matter what the background is.

It is centered on page, has a sidebar on right on all views, round corners, and dark background.
Lonely Lemon

Lonely Lemon
Lemon is fresh just like loneliness may be some time. It is a nice addition to lots of cocktails so a blog can be to your life. Maybe it is worthless to wear depressed mood whenever you feel lonely. Maybe it is better to use this moments of your life as a short slow down to revise your previous experience and find some answers to your life questions. Blog gives you a nice opportunity to do it.
Tropical Grunge

Tropical Grunge
The theme combines the tropics mood with a grunge spirit. Something alternative, something not so sweet looking…
The theme is centered on page, the sidebar is on right on all views, it has round corners, header image, and dark green background.