Auto Generated Thumnails Clickable

Auto Generated Thumbnail

Thumbnail Clickable

Blogger Auto Generated


Blogger Auto

Auto Thumbnail

Make Blogger Auto Generated Thumbnails
Blogger is one of the most used Free Blogging platform. Its free and easy to use. Blogger, officially, does not support plugins like wordpress so developers and programmers, make scripts and hacks to make their blogspot blog more attractive and productive. Although blogger has launched "Read more" hack officially but bloggers still prefer Blogger Auto Read More Script as this scrip automatically generates thumbnails with title and summary. There was an issue with old auto read more with thumbnails script that, this script does not create clickable thumbnails. We all know Images convey information more easier than text, so images should also be clickable. So, here is a way to make blogger thumbnails clickable which are automatically generated by .

Now You can install auto read more or summary function in your blogger blog with thumbnail. This blogger trick will help you to insert auto read more link in every post. Whenever you will publish a post, a summary will be displayed in your mainpage or label page of blog with a link ” Read More ” and when any one will click on that link, he/she will be able to read full post. This is all on auto. Follow these steps to add a automatic read more trick in your blog.
